False equivalency.


Let’s do some math: US population is 320 million. Of voting age: 250 million. Turnout is about 57%. Thats 142 million. Trump will likely win the votes of about 60 million of these people. 60 out of 320. Fewer than a fifth. So when the “news” talks about a “fractured nation” imagine this: You have five children, and one of them starts throwing garbage everywhere, torturing animals, swearing all time…and you look at your 5 kids -one of whom is behaving badly- and say “we have a fractured family,” That’s creating FALSE EQUIVALENCY.

That’s an insult to the other four. Lowering the discourse of the other 4 to appease a bad apple is to reach out to a bigoted minority.  Historically, appeasement when it comes to fascism is a cowardly strategy that leads to the death of innocent people. So if the 18.75% of this country who are rotten children and need to commit hate crimes before they are forgotten, let them act out.

We already pay for their roads. We’ll pay for their prison cells too, and as we open up cells previously occupied by non-violent drug offenders for these people – these armed occupiers of federal buildings, these church bombers, these voter-intimidators, etc.etc.-they will slowly choose to remove themselves from the conversation. And when they come out, they won’t be able to vote, because they voted to disenfranchise ex-cons.

See how that works?

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