Why is the GOP drowning in racists in 2016?

SECRET RACISM FINALNow that Secret Racism is brought to us at a 3rd grade reading level, the millions of Americans who were too dumb to understand Reagan’s slightly veiled Secret Racism – but are super-racist dirtbags none-the-less – now get to be a part of the racism!

Why so much Secret Racism? Because to get a poor, dumb white person to vote against his/her own self-interest over and over again, you need to sweeten the pot with Secret Racism. Poor, dumb, white people might want – on some level – to live above the poverty line or fish out of a river that isn’t poisoned, but luckily for corporate America, poor, dumb white people hate blacks more than they love rivers.


Just say…why?

nancy reagan

Nancy Reagan was an enthusiastic supporter of embryonic stem cell research, which presented a possible route to curing the disease that took her husband’s mind. The grande dame of American Conservatism even used her influence to force president George W. Bush to compromise on his plan to completely stop the practice. However, when Hollywood pal Rock Hudson (the O.G. Clooney) was dying of AIDS two decades earlier and reached out to her for help, she didn’t do a goddamn thing. If you’re feeling especially cynical, consider the fact that she went against the grain of the GOP’s platform in an effort not only to spur research, but also to spread knowledge of the disease that could dispel rumors that Ron hadn’t been “all there” for quite some time…

It’s important to remember these things about people when they die. The decisions they made. Not because there’s value in bashing the dead, but rather because there’s value in asking “Why?” Why do we let certain people/species/nations die? There’s a similar value in keeping Confederate memorials intact; we want our children to look at them and think We once celebrated deeply flawed people and overlooked certain evils – so what are we missing in the 21st Century? How can we do better?  Just as it is wrong for the Texas school board to erase Jefferson, it is wrong for his fans to overlook the fact that he held (and fucked) slaves. It used to be that being anti-slavery was as radical as being vegan is now. It used to be common sense that women would never vote, just as it used to be common sense that man would never fly.  For about a generation – from first flight at Kitty Hawk in 1903 to the passing of the 19th Amendment in 1920 – the latter assumption had been proven false while the former still held true.

We need to remember that we killed Socrates, Jesus and the Indians. We invented wing night, fracking and female hysteria…Only when we realize that we are fallible can we begin to improve.

R.I.P. Mrs. Reagan, you made a lot of mistakes – we promise to learn from them. Here’s one for the road; It looks like the plant you implored us to “Just Say No!” to – might actually help fight Alzheimer’s.

Just say what?

New York conquers the South.

left side trump tuesday

I really hope too many people don’t find out Trump is working for Hillary. It’s a great plan – the more xenophobic he pretends to be, the more he both shatters GOP unity and motivates the young, love-to-hate-on-hate-thru-memes-and-sometimes-voting millennial demo that missed out on Obamarama back in ’08. Trump has even promised to run as an independent, which virtually guarantees her the White House. Trump’s key talking points for months seem to have been designed to alienate Hispanics, which is so devastating to the GOP’s future voter cache that now even the Republican Speaker of the House is condemning his own party’s front-runner.

Trump is a pro-choice, New York Democrat who’s always had nice things to say about the Clintons, who -BY THE WAY- snagged the White House the first time via Ross Perot, a Billionaire spoiler who came out of nowhere to split the GOP ticket and hand Bill the keys to 1600 Penn. The beauty is that Clintelot re-secures the White House by using BOTH the 9/11 fear-mongering the Bush administration strived to create as well as the droves of P.C. faux-activist college students who will turn out to fight Trump. He’s never held elected office. But he has been used to sell McDonald’s. He’s an actor, a brand, and -I believe- a part of a genius strategy from the most wily American political King and Queen we’ve ever seen.

Sexism might have ruined Hillary’s run, but if I’m right, she’s harnessed both hatred against immigrants and hatred against bigots to win the White House. The circus is so loud that by November ’16 people will have forgotten both how sexist they really are and how good Bernie’s ideas really were. Well played, Billary.